We have a extensive programme of meetings that take place over the year.

To find out what’s on and where, take a look at our UPCOMING EVENTS LIST and find listings for the following gatherings:

  • Annual Exhibition
  • Open Days
  • Indoor Meetings
  • Field Meetings
  • Workshops
  • Lectures

Our Headquarters

The Society headquarters is The Pelham-Clinton Building, Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst, Reading RG10 0TH, and provides a base to house the Society’s library and collections.

The Graham and Helen Howarth Room has meeting room accommodation for up to 36 people, while the library and collections are housed in adjacent rooms, with facilities for books, periodicals and specimens to be consulted and studied.

In order to make the library and collections available regularly to members, Open Days are held on specified Sundays (10.30–16.00).

In addition, workshops (10.30-16.00) are organised on Saturdays for members and visitors, particularly to help and encourage beginners, improvers and new members taking up the study of a group of invertebrates.

It may be possible to open the Pelham-Clinton Building by prior arrangement on other occasions for members unable to attend scheduled Open Days, when members will be welcome to use the library and collections.

Contact Marc Taylor using the ‘Email Indoor Meetings Secretary’ link in the first instance because it may be possible to arrange a visit when a key holder is present at the building.

Excellent refreshments, including hot lunches, are available from the nearby café on the opposite side of the car park to the Pelham-Clinton Building, while there is also a small kitchen with facilities to make tea or coffee on the BENHS premises.