
Bees and Beyond: Ecosystem Services at a Garden Scale


Free webinar with Dr Linda Birkin exploring the importance of gardens for the wider environment in which they are nestled. Gardening success and invertebrate activity are deeply intertwined, for better or worse! Demonstrating that the beneficial side of this relationship vastly outweighs the negative is hugely important for maximising the ecological value of gardens - […]

A World of Wasps: Researching the Ichneumonid Wasps


Free webinar delving into the understudied world of Ichneumonid wasps. Huge numbers of insects are hosts to parasitoid wasps, and one of the most successful groups of wasps is the Ichneumonoidea, or Darwin Wasps. Despite the ubiquity of Darwin Wasps, they are comparatively neglected by researchers and naturalists. Dr Gavin Broad looks at research on […]

Sow Wild! and Insect Identification


Free webinar investigating the success of 'mini meadows' and testing the ability of citizen scientists to sample and identify insects. Habitat loss and fragmentation are considered the foremost threats in pollinator decline, and in England and Wales, 97% of wildflower meadows were lost by 1984. Gardens have considerable potential for supporting pollinators, covering large areas […]

Cave Spiders: Behavioural Adaptations in Webs, Foraging and Dispersal


Free webinar with Dr Thomas Hesselberg exploring behavioural adaptations in cave spiders. Web-building spiders are excellent model organisms to study the behavioural adaptations to novel habitats such as the dark and food-limited subterranean cave habitat. Cave-dwelling orb spiders in the genus Meta show several potential behavioural adaptations in both their webs (which do not have […]

If you need further information about any of our events please get in touch.