
Neston Park Estate, Somerset

Moth traps envisaged both nights. Habitat is varied and includes wet and dry meadow (well off the beaten track), and broad-leaved woodland. Leader: Glenda Orledge:

Members Open Day

BENHS Headquarters The Pelham-Clinton Building, Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

The Pelham Clinton Building, Dinton Pastures, Reading. The Society’s Headquarters Building is the venue for regular Open Days for members.

Hoverfly Lagoons Project: A Journey into the Past, Present and Future


Free webinar with Dr Ellen Rotheray about the highly successful Hoverfly Lagoons project and introducing aquatic habitats into small spaces. The Hoverfly Lagoons project was invented in 2016 for the University of Sussex’s Buzz Club, a citizen science charity exploring wildlife gardening techniques for insects. The aim was to trial artificial habitat, essentially small water […]

Shouldham Warren, NORFOLK

Forestry Commission likely to confirm with permission granted as per last season. See the British Journal of Entomology and Natural History for further details.

Medway area, KENT

SE road from University of Greenwich campus; coastal grassland with hawthorn and sallow scrub. Light-trapping event if at all possible. 17'00 hours start. Weather-permitting the following species should be expected: Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar): several L5 larvae were noted last year; Lackey moth (Malacosoma neustria), and M. castrensis perhaps; Aspitates, both A. ochrearius and A.gilvaria, […]

The Strand, Gillingham, KENT

Meeting at 1830 hours outside Strand Cafe, Commodore's Way, Gillingham, KENT (TQ783692); BR station Gillingham. Car park in vicinity is closed at 2100 hours. This coastal site has potential; lightraps can be placed in the scrub behind the sea wall; halophytic flora suggest interesting fauna especially Sterrhinae (Lep. Geometridae). Leader: Gareth King

Alpi Marittime National Park, Cuneo, ITALY

31st July, 2024 approx. Alpi Marittime National Park, Cuneo, ITALY. Permission is in the process of being granted. I have been here many times* since 2008. Please approach leader: Gareth King: for further details. Turin is the nearest airport as is Milan with two-hour fleccia rosa trains to Turin (Borgo San Dalmazzo is the […]

Rimetea, western ROMANIA

August 2024: Rimetea, western ROMANIA, European Lepidopterists Society (SEL) study site. I have obtained permission already. This is a long-term project. It is a sub-Mediterranean, Euro-Asiatic site with little data available to date. Please approach leader: Gareth King: for further details.

Bees and Beyond: Ecosystem Services at a Garden Scale


Free webinar with Dr Linda Birkin exploring the importance of gardens for the wider environment in which they are nestled. Gardening success and invertebrate activity are deeply intertwined, for better or worse! Demonstrating that the beneficial side of this relationship vastly outweighs the negative is hugely important for maximising the ecological value of gardens - […]

Members Open Day

BENHS Headquarters The Pelham-Clinton Building, Dinton Pastures Country Park, Davis Street, Hurst, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

The Pelham Clinton Building, Dinton Pastures, Reading. The Society’s Headquarters Building is the venue for regular Open Days for members.

If you need further information about any of our events please get in touch.